martes, 25 de septiembre de 2018


The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a network of about 30 satellites orbiting the Earth at an altitude of 20,000 km. The system was developed by the US government for military navigation. Now anyone with a GPS device (cars, mobile phone,...) can receive the radio signals that the satellites send.

Wherever you are on the planet, at least four GPS satellites are ‘visible’ at any time. Each one transmits information about its position and the current time at regular intervals. These signals, travelling at the speed of light, are intercepted by your GPS receiver, which calculates how far away each satellite is based on how long it took for the messages to arrive.

Activity about do, go and play

Aquí os dejo un actividad para repasar el uso de los verbos (to go, to do and to play) con sus respectivos deportes.



Chic@s, aquí os dejo el link para la canción de la unidad 1.

Los lyrics son estos:

You throw this ball through the hoop A BASKETBALL you kick this ball through the goal A SOCCER BALL you hit this ball over the net A TENNIS BALL you hit this ball over a tiny net A TABLE TENNIS BALL Let's bounce like a ball! Bounce, Bounce, Bounce Like a Ball You hIt this ball with a club A GOLF BALL You spike this ball with your hand A VOLLEYBALL you hit this ball with a bat A BASEBALL you'll find this ball at the beach IT¨S A BEACH BALL
Let's bounce like a ball! Bounce, Bounce, Bounce Like a Ball

Espero que os sirva para practicar.


lunes, 17 de septiembre de 2018

Practice "There is / There are"

Hi again guys! Here you have some activities to practice "there is / there are" as part of our revision.

The links are:

Thank you!

See you in class!!


Muy buenos días compañer@s,

os doy la bienvenida a este nuevo y gran año. Este blog es para uso educativo y os servirá para repasar, acceder a una libreria digital, practicar canciones, etc.

Espero que sea de vuestra utilidad.

Un abrazo fuerte y a seguir siendo mejores personas.

Los tutores de 4º de primaria

KET Practice 3

Hi team! We are sharing with you some KET activities. Click here  to download the document and complete it for next Monday, 20th April...